(no subject)

Dec 25, 2011 11:35

As usual, Christmas morning is a glorious explosion of joy thanks to the magic of Yuletide. Not only did I get my main Yuletide gift, but I have a treat yet to be revealed. Those go live ... tomorrow? Greatly looking forward to it, anyway.

Have done with sorrow [Demon's Lexicon]
This is Nick/Alan, post-series, and EVERYTHING THAT I WANT. (Seriously, I would have been happy with any of the fandoms that I asked, but I wanted DL fic most, and of all possible pairings, Nick/Alan most too. Finding exactly what one wants under the virtual tree is so great.) Nick's narrative voice is perfect, angry and half-articulate and viciously funny; it's lovely to see the Market a few years in the future, and the ways in which everyone hasn't stopped being damaged. My author is either someone on my rlist or someone who researched me but good after being assigned me, because this hits all my narrative kinks. I just want to read it a million times and bask.

My gifts under the proper tree were quite excellent too: I got a slew of Sandman, and two lovely thick Sherlock Holmes anthologies, and a truly alarming amount of chocolate. Also
polarisnorth sent me these little guys (Sam, Dean, Cas, and Impala art charms); I plan to hang the boys on the tree and use the Impala as a keychain. So adorbs.

I would plan to use the rest of today to start sinking into the Yuletide archive, but actually I will be baking pies and watching Muppet Christmas Carol and Love Actually and the Doctor Who Christmas special. Perhaps I can sneak a bit of Yuletide between times.

This entry was originally posted at http://aria.dreamwidth.org/170304.html. If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.

aria: joy, rl: holiday, recs: yuletide, ol: yuletide

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