three things make a post, you know the drill

Jun 08, 2011 19:49

1. Today I was running errands, which somehow included going to a bookstore for American Gods. (Any relationship between my desire to own this book and my recent ridiculous fandom infatuation with a warped Marvel version of a particular mythology is purely coincidental.) I also skulked about the YA section, as one does, and stumbled across a paperback reissue of Tamora Pierce's Song of the Lioness books. Let me tell you, internet, the covers were amazing; they were so Hip YA Paranormal Romance that I wanted to cry tears of joyous laughter. The Woman Who Rides Like A Man had, far and away, the best cover -- google images provides a rather small and grainy picture of it here -- but let me describe it to you:

Alanna is slender, sexy, pleasantly androgynous, and is wearing a cute shirt from Forever 21 or something. On each side she is flanked by a strapping young man, presumably Jon and George respectively. George has folded arms and what may or may not be a leather jacket, because he's the tough guy from the streets! Jon is a sensitive guy with a semi-open shirt, and bewilderingly, looks exactly like I picture him! The point is, guys, I am so glad I don't have these covers, and I also love them a whole lot.

2. I kind of posted on tumblr about this, but I also wanted to say it here, so. There is this lovely quote by McAvoy re: Erik/Charles:
"It is a little bit of a mini-tragedy that him and Magneto don’t, you know, have sex and become married and become best friends." [via Daily Telegraph]
So the thing about this is that I am totally delighted that McAvoy went there, and knew what he was playing. I'm delighted about that the same way I love that Sir Ian McKellen said something about how X3 should have started with a panning shot of Xavier and Magneto in bed together. It is, in every conceivable way, totally amazing and lovely that the actors playing these parts know to queer the hell out of their subtext.

But you know what? I'd really like it to be text. I'd like it if we could move past Bobby's unsubtle coming-out-to-his-family scene, and past Hank's "You didn't ask, so I didn't tell," and realize that X-Men really is a great place to damn well start textually queering our superheroes. Making Charles/Erik canon would come with its own fun set of problems, like the fact that Erik is ~evil~, but I don’t care because it would be such a great start.

(Still: BECOME MARRIED. That is a really charming quote.)

3. My Loki AU That Will Not End has just broken 20,000 words. I have given up estimating how long it's going to be. In fact, I have given up on the notion of free will entirely, because I am fairly sure I am just here as a vessel to Loki's storytelling whims. I regret nothiiiiing.

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fannish: tortall, fannish: x-men, fic: wip

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