A question: what is the general protocol for the original things that are written for NaNoWriMo? Do we hoard them jealously in the faint hope that we may one day publish them? Do we post them proudly for the world to see? I mean, I am not even properly signed up for NaNo because I am in the hoarding camp, but I will probably be throwing my novel at people in emails, and I am at least in theory interested in seeing other people's work too. I ... realize that if there was a question, I have in fact lost it in the shuffle. Uh, basically, what is the kosher writing distribution here?
And a meme: Comment with a fandom and I will tell you my
› favorite character
› least favorite character
› prettiest character
› character I wanna marry
› favorite pairing
› favorite episode
› unpopular opinion
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http://aria.dreamwidth.org/114294.html. If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.