you're a criminal as long as you're mine

Sep 30, 2010 11:51

This being polyfannish thing is still disconcerting. I am just not used to being excited about five things at once, but I suspect that this is my brain's way of coping with the fact that it suddenly has all this free space that is not taken up by juggling classes. Also, I am pleased to report that working through my guilt re: indulging in Highlander now means that I am completely unapologetic about Smallville! I'll probably move on to something else in a few days, but in the meantime:

i. My haphazard and arbitrary Smallville watch hit Shattered/Asylum from season three last night. I spent a lot of it clutching my face and crying a little. Yeah, that's right! LEX LUTHOR GIVES ME FEELINGS.

ii. I discovered this fic, Demarcation, which [a] is about identity politics, we all know how easy I am for identity politics, and [b] reminded me that actually Clark is an alien. I like Clark about fifty times better now! Shut up, my kinks are totally okay.

iii. The Clark/Lex Bad Romance vid; I don't know if I've linked it before, but it is what is to blame for this inexplicable Smallville watch in the first place. Unfortunately I still haven't managed to discover the context for most of the clips. Wiki episode summaries are not helpful, because apparently wikipedia seems to believe that I want to know about actual arc plots, when in actual fact what I want from my summaries is "The one where Lex is compulsively playing piano and bleeding all over everything" or "The one where Clark catches a bullet like a goddamn inch from Lex's face" or "The one with wacky airplane stunts and FLYING oh my god." I would probably watch quite a few more episodes if they had honest summaries like "Clark and Lex eyefuck a lot and then Lex bleeds on things." Because that is the show I have been watching!

...To be honest, I suspect I am doing fandom backwards. I am mostly going through the shows that are Slash's Greatest Hits out of anthropological fascination (and also because, did I mention, Spock and Methos and Lex!) but my wide-eyed enthusiasm is perhaps slightly outdated.

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fannish: smallville tag noooo, recs: vid

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