boldly watching what I have not watched before

Aug 27, 2010 23:20

Earlier tonight there was a fangirl gathering to watch some Star Trek. (When I say fangirl, though, I mean it included two good-natured fanboys, one of whom happily joined our discussion re: the attractiveness of Zach Quinto.) It was a night entirely of TOS viewing, and, my god, I really love it. This is unsurprising, considering how much I love old school Doctor Who, but I think I have a different absurdity threshold for every show I watch, and I have now hit and moved past my Star Trek one. YAY.

Tragically, the number of TOS episodes I have seen still remains only three: Devil in the Dark, City on the Edge of Forever, and of course Amok Time. These are the things I have learned so far: lava monsters are, in fact, always cute; Kirk and Spock are incapable of standing more than no feet apart, which is something I very much approve of in a pairing; you hardly need crackfic because the show does it for you (Theodore Sturgeon, I know almost nothing about you, but I salute you for the original Aliens Made Them Do It, even though technically there was no doing it); there are so many mindmelds, oh my god mindmeeeeelds; and, if you don't fridge the woman, Hitler will win. (This is not to say that I didn't love City on the Edge of Forever! I kind of did. I am all about Spock in civvies. I just also kind of hate Harlan Ellison.)

Anyway, um. For those of you who care about TOS, do you have any recommendations? I already have The Naked Time, Mirror Mirror, and The Trouble With Tribbles on my mental queue, but I am so open to suggestions. Especially suggestions that have lots of Spock in them.

In conclusion, LINKS:

+ Fighting Gravity, ST XI fic that I ... kind of forgot was AU part way through, even though "Spock resigns from Starfleet, goes home to rebuild New Vulcan, and ends up essentially homeless on Earth before Jim runs into him five years later" is pretty damn AU. My rec is, perhaps, completely absurd considering that the fic has in excess of 2000 hit counts, but it is SO GREAT. It has lots of Spock Prime, and excellent Jo McCoy and Winona Kirk and Uhura, and exactly the Jim I want at all times, and ~defying fate~, and tasty irony, and tasty popcorn, and accidentally drunk Spock, and mindmeeeelds. In conclusion I want fifty billion more fics like it, but then I would never sleep again, because I would have too many excellent epics to read.

+ Tik Tok, a TOS vid that is full of great timing, the normal amount of inappropriate Kirk/Spock groping, a really great showcasing of just how gloriously absurd TOS is, and, wow, quite a lot of drinking. Warning: the goddamn song will get stuck in your head FOREVER.

In real conclusion: rec me episodes! Because what I really need in my life is even more really ridiculous telly.

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fannish: star trek, recs: star trek, aria: joy, recs: vid

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