a promising start

Aug 13, 2010 12:51

I have a weird fondness for Friday the 13ths! They always seem to be full of awesome. For instance:

i. My moving stress has been greatly reduced by a potential bed! Ugh, furniture. If I could, I would renounce all material possessions. Except for my laptop, which is basically a part of my brain. And my books, because, booksii. Still on that notion ( Read more... )

rl: life after undergrad, recs: vid, ol: links, fannish: doctor who

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Comments 7

meresy August 13 2010, 18:35:26 UTC
3. I grew up in the same sort of household -- sex was okay, but violent stuff had to wait until we were older unless it was, like, a History Channel doc on a war.

Watching that vid... I know exactly what scenes got to be too much for me.

I can handle cable-levels of violence (eg. Supernatural generally does not bother me when the boys get hurt) but at the same time I don't find it appealing in and of itself. Seeing my BSOs bloodied is not a turn-on... I usually find it sad to dismaying, but not squicky. Sometimes the action is hot enough, for reasons of macho appeal, but the hurting itself... nah.

Torture, on the other hand, sends me running -- I watched the video through, but I started wincing around the 1:30 mark. A beatdown I can handle, but... slower violence is gives me the jibblies.

I guess that means I'm more okay with it in the context of Action?

Interesting vid indeed.


ariastar August 13 2010, 18:50:11 UTC
A beatdown I can handle, but... slower violence is gives me the jibblies.

That makes sense! I only started going "AHHH DO NOT WANT" around the flaying and the FINGERNAIL OH GOD, which I guess means I am mostly Not Okay with violence in the context of things I can viscerally feel inside my own skin also?

Your line is very sane. XD


meresy August 13 2010, 18:58:57 UTC
The one fingernail scene in SPN was one of the handful in that show that made me all AHHHHHH even though it was in the context of a goofy Christmas episode. DNW.

And dude, to I even feel you about the visceral thing. I'm not a generally squeamish person, I don't think, but... aaaahhh. Eyeballs, man. Eyeballs.


caliena August 13 2010, 18:43:16 UTC
This vid is... disturbing... in a very good way Oo
(Especially because I recognize most of the boys)
My line was at 3.15... the NAIL... oh my god... need a break before watching it to the end.

And to Cumberbatch!Master: WANT!!!!!


ariastar August 13 2010, 18:53:42 UTC
Recognition definitely helps! I think part of the point is that, having the context for the violence, you remember why it was so awesome in that context. And then you get it all smushed together and realize how disturbing it really is.

dfs;sdkjfd UGH THE NAIL :((( I have to look away during that part.


caliena August 14 2010, 02:22:39 UTC
[quote]I think part of the point is that, having the context for the violence, you remember why it was so awesome in that context. And then you get it all smushed together and realize how disturbing it really is.[/quote]

I think that fits my experience perfectly :/

I can't stand torture with nails or eyes... everything else is still "Okay, can watch..."


inanimategrace August 14 2010, 05:34:52 UTC
SOOOO, uh, what does it mean if there is no line for me?

...Oh, right, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I get paid to do some of that shit. La.


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