nothin' but the rain

Jun 17, 2010 15:26

Overslept. Compensated by emailing another potential apartment and then taking a leaf out of
sasha_feather's book and going for a long walk. My walk inevitably turned into an indie movie where I sat on a swing in a little park and listened to Vienna Teng's Lullaby for a Stormy Night, Marian Call's Good Old Girl, and the Headstones' Supersmart, which seemed like a logical progression at the time.

Speaking of music, I am rather fond of the music video to Adam Lambert's If I Had You. It's like Adam raided Tim Burton's costuming department and then crashed one of the Twilight sets and HAD A RAVE. I approve!

Meanwhile, the internet seems to be Made of Fail this week. I have nothing to add to the discussions that a lot of you haven't already said much more eloquently, but I did want to link to
deepad's On Wiscon because it [a] is hilarious and [b] made my brain work.

Mostly, though, I just want to curl up and do more of my stupid Highlander rewatch. I'm accidentally compiling a picspam. It is essentially lots of Methos getting threatened with swords, and sometimes painting houses. (Somewhere, stage left, Londo Mollari wants to know if I still love him. Maybe I'd love you more if you and G'Kar painted houses, Londo.)

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fannish: highlander, rl: day in the life, ol: links

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