three things make a happy post

Jun 02, 2010 10:24

I guess I was wrong about not having internet! I'm still a nomad, though. I am just an exceptionally wired nomad.

1. I love Feminist Hulk so damn much that I am beginning to be tempted to get a twitter. I mostly have not done so already because I'm not much good at short things, and I don't really have enough free time for these newfangled fripperies anyway, and I get really easily addicted to shiny things. So I don't know! Those of you whose lives I follow anyway, do you have one? do you recommend that I join your twitter cult? if I did, would I get cool updates on your life that I can't get from Dreamwidth? Feminist Hulk alone cannot tip me to the tweet side, but it is possible you can.

2. I have managed to get my hot little hands on Babylon 5: The Gathering and the first bit of season one. Um. It was already madness to do episode meta on all of due South; there is no way I should do it for B5. Feel free to point and laugh if when I do a Gathering post this evening. /o\

3. KINK BINGO. I have been eyeing
kink_bingo for about, mm, two years now, and not signed up because, IDK, I was doing things like Doctor Who season projects and due South commentary and Cliche Bingo. (The last of which, incidentally, I ended up writing Fraser/Kowalski bondage porn for anyway.) So this year, I actually signed up. ( My card! & um lots of talk of tentacles even though I do not have a tentacles square. )

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fannish: babylon 5, fic: kink bingo, dw: question

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