lots of links!

May 30, 2010 21:19

First, Remix reveals were today, so I can say that I wrote Dimensions in Space (The Perfect Fit Remix). It's basically the fic I've wanted to write about Mickey for years.

Second, WisCon's vid party was last night, and I have discovered lots of new excellent vids. The entire list of vids shown is here, compiled by the awesome
damned_colonial; I do have a short list of recs, though:

* One Girl Revolution (multi): One in the awesome tradition of kickass small-screen women.
* I Enjoy Being a Girl (multi): And another, this one somewhat more tongue-in-cheek.
* The Other Love Quadrangle (BSG): I secretly suspect that Adama/Leoben, Adama/Roslin, Leoben/Kara, and Leoben/Roslin are EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE EVER WANTED. Thanks for that, vid.
* I'll Be There For You (Black Books): This is everything that I love about Black Books, all wrapped up in happy music. <3
*Anything the Doctor Can Do... (Doctor Who): The Doctor and the Master keep trying to one-up one another. This is made 1000x better by the fact that John Barrowman is singing one half of the duet.
* I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor (Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes): This vid does not quite convince me I need to watch A2A, but it does give me fucking shivers. I was clutching my face by the end.

I basically recommend the entire six-hour playlist, though. :D

This entry was originally posted at http://aria.dreamwidth.org/84976.html. If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.

rl: wiscon, fic: posted, fic: doctor who, recs: vid, ol: links

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