mostly about fic

May 23, 2010 15:59

1. Today Remix Redux is live! It's the first year I've actually participated; it was good fun, although next year I won't be in the middle of panicking about graduation while I write, and hopefully that will alleviate some of the tension. In any case, reveals are in a week, and in the meantime, I received a remix for Three From the Track called Turnings (The Simple Gifts Remix). Run, do not walk, to read it, I'm serious. It's about Ellen Drew, for a start, which delights me; it's also brilliant for making me feel like I understand Merriman and the Drew children about a thousand times better now. It's a wonderful remix of my fic, but it's also just a wonderful remix of the Dark is Rising Sequence as a whole, and I adore it.

2. Speaking of ficathons, did you know that there are currently signups for one called
multiverse5000, which deals in crossovers of books, movies, TV shows and comic books/graphic novels that involve space, space travel, other planets, &c &c. I'm not sure why I was surprised to find that a vast majority of my fandoms, peripheral or otherwise, deal with SPACE; all I know is that the prompt list is great, and that I may have said "OH. MY. GOD" aloud in sheer joy at one of the prompts I claimed. For your edification, and also to remind myself:

June 16: Doctor Who/Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: There's an article for each of his incarnations.
June 20: Babylon 5/Doctor Who: Morden asks the Master, "What do you want?"

I assume that the former will be really fun and cracky, and, uh, the latter made me shriek with joy. It has already grown a plot. Possibly one where the Master realizes he's being used and raises hell. (I ... may have unresolved Londo issues. Film at eleven!) Anyway, like I didn't have enough to write already, there's that now too.

3. In random, awesome news, someone made epic diagrams of the mind-bending cartography of the TARDIS. I may be mildly in love.

I bet I can finish Babylon 5 today. I only have five episodes left! Then I will probably make a Show Is Awesome post, because I apparently really want to talk about it. :D

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aria: joy, recs: dark is rising, ol: links

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