between the candle and the star

May 20, 2010 14:34

i. Link o' the day, courtesy of seeing it in the National Gallery and having a good laugh with my parents, Giovanni Emo, by Bellini. "He looks emo!" my mum said, and though I am sad that Signore Giovanni doesn't come with scenester bangs, it's still hilarious.

ii. Hair is cut! Car is mostly unpacked! Room is a complete mess, but I am studiously ignoring it and instead doing my best to mainline the rest of Babylon 5 before I abscond for WisCon. Here's what I'm discovering, to my horror: I think I want to do watchalong meta commentary. For the whole thing. I just love it so much, and am so thinky about it, that I want an excuse to watch it again. And I don't yet know if I have a ficcing urge, but I definitely have a fannish urge, which during the summer -- or possibly for a much more extended period, now that I'm done with school unless and until I want a graduate degree -- also manifests as a write-lots-of-meta urge. Ahhhh.

iii. Relatedly, the clearest sign I am getting dangerously fannish about something: a poll!

View poll: #3185
I WOULD LIKE TO TALK ABOUT THIS SHOW. :D (Except not about s5. Except for the part where I ship Londo/G'Kar every waking moment now. WHAT.)

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dw: poll, fannish: b5, ol: links

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