
Jan 31, 2010 20:05

Oh, for fuck's sake, LiveJournal. (She says, crossposting.) LJ's interstitial advertising is putting your computer at risk for malware. And here I was wondering why my computer had suddenly contracted pop-ups, why my legit malware detector had caught a trojan, and why my computer is suddenly incapable of opening PDF files. (This last might be a different issue entirely, of course. This laptop is nearly four years old.) Things seem to be behaving now, and I've backed up all my files, but this is just ridiculous.

This brings me to link #2, which is a great list of reasons to move to Dreamwidth. Obviously I still use LJ, but I use it in an incidental supplementary way, and I have DW codes going spare. Come hang out over here! WE DON'T HAVE FUCKING MALWARE.

And on a completely different note, because it cracked me up, link the third: BEST. :D

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