And now, an End of Time screencap recap! (Yes, both parts, because I'm shallow thorough like that.) This is not idle capping in vain, though, oh no. Well, mostly it is; I love staring at David Tennant and John Simm. But besides that, I have also suddenly rediscovered the crazy fever that takes hold when I have new Doctor Who food for thought and am seized with the desperate urge to write. I need to organize my thoughts; for that, I have to rewatch; and, in order to rewatch without someone holding my hand, I must pause every five seconds to take a screencap and say something about it.
In the process of this write-up -- which took literally all day, I might add; oh, the ridiculous labors of love I do for Doctor Who -- I discovered that I actually adore these episodes. To teeny tiny ridiculous flawed pieces.
This is mostly a Doctor/Master recap; to do the whole thing would be insane. Er, allons-y. (
Spoilers, obviously; extremely rambly meta, as tends to happen with me and Doctor/Master; image-heavy (88 caps) and not for the slow of browser. )
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