HAPPY 2010, EVERYONE. It's that time again; giftfic reveals ahoy.
My Yuletide:
Three From the Track, Dark is Rising, gen. Writing Merriman's POV was terrifying, but ended up being a lot of fun. This fic is actually a specific bookend to my WIP post-series novella, that I started forever ago but swear I will finish someday. Yuletide did remind me how much I love writing in this world.
My dSSS:
Magnificent Mile, Fraser/Kowalski. I wrote a lot of this while spending Thanksgiving break in rural Maine, hanging out at a diner much like the one in the fic and savoring the cold and the wilderness. Eventually I'm going to write myself into a corner, and then I'll be forced to move to the Great White Nowhere.
My dSSS pinch hit:
Dawn, Fraser/Kowalski, kidfic. I think I'd been trying to write due South kidfic since ... at least April. Upon reading my recipient's list of likes, including kidfic, and then a bunch of other helpful guidelines, I suddenly hammered out approaching 8000 words. Bless fic exchanges for untangling writer's block and creating gifts at the same time.
And now, of course, the slightly belated fic-year-in-review meme. (
Total count: 23. This was a good fic year. )
Cut links to
http://aria.dreamwidth.org/61568.html. If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.