i. I saw New Moon yesterday! I even paid money for it, sigh. And I enjoyed the hell out of it, not least because much like Twilight it could not decide whether it wanted to be a slow-moving indy movie full of strumming guitar soundtrack and mostly concerned about an awkward quiet girl's relationship with her quiet father and awkward friends, or if it wanted to be an action-packed fast-paced supernatural thriller with lots of CGI. Unfortunately somewhere in those things lurked Meyer's awful plot and creepy subtext about how if a boy is afraid that he's going to hurt a girl, the girl should forgive him out of love and because he'd never mean to hurt her. On the other hand, they also got in the fantastic (unintentional by Meyer, I am sure) subtext of "Are you sure you can't just ...?" "Not be a werewolf? It's not a lifestyle choice! I was born like this!" A++ would like Eclipse to laugh at now.
ii. Children In Need featured the first three minutes of
the Doctor Who Christmas Special, although I imagine that most everyone who's interested has probably watched it repeatedly already. (
Spoiler cut is excited for Christmas! ) The desire to write Doctor/Master fic right now is overwhelming. But I have three gift-fic exchanges I really need to do first.
iii. This is probably interesting to ... me ... but I finally got my hands on Paul Gross's Call of the Wild commentary, and even though I have already heard most of these stories (like the one about TURNBULL & CHEESE) it was still vastly entertaining and, let's be honest, I'd listen to Paul Gross read the phonebook. (
Commentary on the commentary! )
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