walking on coals

Nov 04, 2009 23:07

+ Yuletide signups are open! I am probably not going to sit down and properly sign up until this weekend, because there are so many delicious shiny fandoms to choose from and I want to do a thorough job. (And not actually think about how I'll be signed up for this, and due South Seekrit Santa, and Eyai Yuletide.)

+ A Wizard of Mars has a release date & awesome cover art! I think I have already resigned myself to never actually writing the Adventures of Dairine & the Tenth Doctor, so I am content to be delighted with a definite release date. Perhaps I will reread my Young Wizards books over winter break?

+ Things I did not expect when I started watching Eastwick: that Joanna would kind of end up being my little black dress. ( Eastwick 1x07; I may be losing my ability to actually be critical of this show, because I really unironically like it. ) The preview for next episode makes me nervous, but the previews for tomorrow's Flash Forward are distracting me from worrying. PG and CKR are legit almost on my screen at the same time, guys! This is funnier than it should be. Perhaps Paul can finally join the I'm Evil And Then Die Club?

Yeah, I should sleep.

Cut links to http://aria.dreamwidth.org/46470.html. If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.

fannish: not watching eastwick honest, aria: joy, ol: yuletide, fannish: young wizards

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