in my pre-war apartment

Oct 29, 2009 21:04

My watching of Flash Forward, in brief:

CHARACTERS: *make bad life decisions*
ME: Meh.
LESBIAN FAIL: *is not as bad as I feared*
ME: ...Well ...
NAI: Are you going to break up with this show?
ME: I'm not sure! Evil Dom Monaghan is making me reconsider.
NEXT WEEK'S PREVIEW: *has unexpected Callum*
ME: sdflkfdsdk *falls off couch and hides under coffee table*

No, I actually hid under the coffee table and wailed dramatically because I can't actually break up with the stupid thing until, y'know, Callum comes through and is probably evil and then dead, as he does. Damn it.

Mumble Eastwick's still better.

Originally posted at If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.

fannish: flashforward, aria: headdesk, fannish: ckr doesn't get a tag

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