ignorance is the only evil

Oct 14, 2009 23:09

Apparently the number and quality of Thoughts I have on Eastwick are directly proportional to Darryl's screen time, which is perhaps mildly shameful. This being the case, I only have a handful of thoughts tonight. ( They are behind a cut anyway to save space & prevent spoilers. )

Obviously this calls for lots of Joanna/Kat/Roxie fic! and, of course, the one with Darryl and Fraser. I am much more likely to write the latter, but everyone should write the former because I am still enjoying the new and shiny glow of having some femslash I am genuinely invested in.

Cut links to http://aria.dreamwidth.org/41936.html. If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.

fannish: not watching eastwick honest

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