Oct 07, 2009 23:06

Ugh, today instead of doing analysis for two shows I am going to try to just do analysis for one. I'm trying an experiment in "realistic optimism (??)" instead of best vs worst case scenarios. SO, EASTWICK. ( 1x03: In which Paul Gross has giant scissors. Also, if you stand too close to him, you'll catch his habit of being haunted; it must be some sort of weird disease. )

But that's not important. What is important is that after the first episode I needed Darryl and Fraser to hang out in a joking way, but now I need it like burning. I want temptations! quotations! seductions! the ability to keep breathing while contemplating this! Seriously, I have a bit of time this weekend; I just might write this thing.

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fannish: not watching eastwick honest

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