sunday special hell fic

Aug 16, 2009 13:33

Apparently vacation is fabulous for me, because I just wrote ~5800 words of fic. On the other hand, perhaps vacation is not fabulous for me, because said ~5800 words of fic are basically porn, porn, sap, sappy porn, and this is all well and good except that I wrote the majority of them with my grandmother in the next room, which means I'm probably going to the special hell.

On the other hand: ~5800 words of porn, porn, sap, and sappy porn, due South OT3 style! It is possibly the most self-indulgent thing I have ever written, because it has dancing and boys cooking things and Rays in love (which is
sionnain's fault) and lots about how awesome Vecchio is (which is
feverbeats fault for giving me possibly the best three things ever re: Vecchio for that three bits of sexual trivia meme) and it has no redeeming social value. None! Isn't that AWESOME? :D

Signs of Affection, F/K/V, for ds_flashfiction's late-summer amnesty, so I made them go on dates. And now I'm going to have lunch with my grandmother and then go to the special hell.

Originally posted at If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.

fic: due south, fic: posted

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