Durham County: like someone beat the fuck out of Desperate Housewives and shoved it out naked into the cold. Where it made angry friends with Hugh Dillon.
Okay, to be fair, the only way it is really like Desperate Housewives is that Traci Prager is totally an escapee from that show, and also Suburbia Is Creepy. Really my brain breaks a little at the notion of landing Mike Sweeney in the middle of Wisteria Lane. But this is only the first episode and maybe it will be relentlessly not-suburban-USA enough that I will stop having deeply weird double-vision moments.
I wish I could watch Durham County with someone, though. I mean, even BSG I had a bit of trouble with if I didn't have someone there to hold my hand. So after that first episode I decided it really called for some comfort telly. Due South is exactly that, although I'm starting to run out of Kowalski episodes I haven't seen too many times. Happily I also find Vecchio comforting, so I finally watched The Edge, ie the only episode of due South I hadn't yet seen all the way through (besides Invitation to Romance, which I am not actually sure I will ever be able to watch).
The Edge: in which Fraser has anxiety dreams and goes tracking; probably a slightly higher ratio of squee to coherence than the organized recapping I did in June. )
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