I have found my erstwhile writing mojo! I mean, all right, I've written considerably more this summer than I ever write during not-summer, but by 'writing mojo' I really don't mean 'ability to drum out ~4000 words of a Cliche Bingo fic'; I mean 'ability to write a 50,000-word season project'.
This time, though, it's not a Doctor Who season, because not enough has happened recently to justify a fix-it and I would never be so mad as to attempt the Torchwood version (besides which, I understand that any number of Children of Earth fix-its are already under way). Rather, my polybigbang has quite politely morphed into an outline, an outline that is 3480 words, contains six separate parts, and seems to think that it can reasonably be a due South AU that starts during The Promise and goes all the way to Good for the Soul. (That it almost entirely skips sixteen episodes is probably somewhat comforting.) It is still, um, looking like it's going to be much closer to the 50,000-word definition of a Big Bang than a 10,000-word one. I feel like I should probably preemptively apologize to
oliviacirce because I inflict everything on her and also to
sionnain because she quite foolishly said she'd like a look at the F/K/V AU. I suspect myself of subconsciously wanting to cram all my Thoughts On Due South into one fic. Except for the Thoughts about how I irrationally want kidfic.
I think this means that I've completely resigned actually doing a blackout on my Cliche Bingo card, but I can still certainly complete a line (not-through-the-middle, even!) and since the whole point of a bingo card was to make myself produce a little more fic, I'm quite content with this.
Right now, though, I need to go to bed, because a second viewing of Half-Blood Prince plus 1 AM plus two solid hours of outlining pretty much mean I shouldn't be allowed near a keyboard right now.
Originally posted at
http://aria.dreamwidth.org/24077.html. If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.