just as long as they don't confusingly name her lucy

May 29, 2009 10:03

Apparently we now have Eleven's companion! (I am unnecessarily if mildly annoyed that the headlines continue to insist on 'assistant'. Eleven is not Three in a laboratory! Not that I am sure what Eleven is ...) My Thoughts on the subject of said companion are mostly

[a] yay, she is pretty! I am unreasonably attracted to redheads
[b] thank god she is not actually younger than me so I will not have to feel skeevy crushing on her, but neither is she older than me, which means I am probably past my companion sell-by date, which is a little alarming -- and also how awesome would it be for young-looking Eleven to have someone Donna-aged or older? really awesome
[c] can we have a name for her so she does not have to be "not actually Karen, that redhead Eleven's going to be hanging out with"?

I think I am glad we have to wait a little while for Moffat'n'Eleven, though. I tend to get wordy and excited about Doctor Who things, and Doctor Who is like that boyfriend I broke up with but am still easy for whenever he comes to visit, so I am happy to be on break.

Originally posted at http://aria.dreamwidth.org/8677.html. If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.

tv: doctor who

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