Apr 20, 2006 02:08
sometimes i get frustrated with everything.
i wish things were different. a lot of things.
i wish i lived in a small town where everyone knew everyone
and you'd walk into a store and they'd ask how your mom was doing or something
i wish i had friends that i've known all my life and we had memories to talk about
i just wish i lived a different life.
the one i'm living's not the one i want to lead.
there's nothing i can do though.
i just want to get out OF HERE.
i want to run and never stop, just keep running maybe i'll find a place worth stopping.
ha yeah right, every place is materialized and overcrowded.
HERE: everyone is so cliche, so fake, so unoriginal. they just want to 'fit in' hahahah. yeah right. they just want to 'look cool'
five years ago; looks never mattered as much as they do now. it doesn't matter if you have a good personality anymore, you have to be 'hot' too haha.
FUCKING STUPID SHALLOW BASTARDS. seriously, it'll all come back to you. it pisses me off to see goodhearted people being put down. get a life.
run away.