axis powers hetalia art HOW UNPREDICTABLE

Jan 25, 2009 22:36

Axis Powers Hetalia art dump. I have given into the dark side~

Okay, first some actual serious art. xD

Colonial Ameria~. He was so cute back then. For some reason I felt like hand-drawing fonts. xD

I made his hair flip a little bit like Canada's hurr hurr hurr -is shot-

Fanart for this. If you haven't read this awesome alternate continuity, GO RIGHT NOW. Why are you looking at my art?!

Also, drawing this I used EXTRA BRIGHT colors and ended up muting them with a blue exclusion. xD However, the EXTRA BRIGHT color scheme unfortunately reminded me of McDonalds. Seriously, just look at those colors and stripes! Which is kind of but not really a good excuse for...


Which is definitely not an adequate excuse for...

himaruya I'm sorry for killing your awesome work

This would totally haunt poor America forever. What would he do without his precious burgers?? D:

I...need some sleep. Congratulations to anyone who made it through this post without banging their head on something. xD

hetalia, fanart

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