Less Money, Mo' Problems

Dec 19, 2008 20:38

I'm craving some kind of carb-tastic fried food, but I don't know what. And even if I had it, I somehow still wouldn't have the appetite for it. This is weird. I want and I don't want simultaneously. Argh.

So, I'm completely free for two weeks. No school or work. Yeah, no work. They're cutting back still, and everyone will be on vacation anyway. Sigh. So... this means I'm going to be even more broke than I've been. Maybe I'll look for a job, but it's a bit late now in the season, I think.

Needless to say, money is tight. Let's just say I'll be doing a lot of relaxing and reading at home, and little to no partying or eating/going out. Which is good; I have a lot of books to keep me occupied, and a library with free movie rentals to keep Matthew and I cheaply entertained.

I still need to call Delta and settle things with those DC tickets.. I don't know. I'm debating between calling and begging for vouchers, or calling last minute before our flight in January and claiming there was a death in the family and we can't make the flight, because I hear airlines usually will kindly refund you or something in such cases. That would be cool, although I hate to get what I need by lying. :\

School financial issues are solved, yay! I also ended up terminating my Credo mobile contract in the middle of it, so that's another charge for next month, but it's going to be about what I paid the last two months for service alone so I'm kind of over the fees on it. Whatever. In the meantime, I have barely enough to buy my sister and my dad something for Christmas... friends, I'm sorry, but I am way way too poor. I'm not even broke in the "I really can't afford this because I'm being responsible" sense, but in the "I really can't afford this because I have no credit left on my cards and no money in the bank... so I actually am totally broke," sense. Whee! -.-

The financial situation sucks then, but at the same time it doesn't. I'm finding joy in using up old items which I'd typically pass over in favor of buying new things of what I typically use, like perfumes and lotions I have lying around. Or clothes. Accessories. I'm making it work. So, while the tight budget sucks ass, it's teaching me--nay, forcing me--to be frugal where I never was before. And I don't really mind it in that regard. It's a blessing in disguise.

Ooh, and on that note, perhaps I'll make cheap bread tomorrow. Hrm.

So, yesterday was pretty amazing. Matthew took me to Chomp, a sushi restaurant, for "our Christmas" celebration. We exchanged gifts--I freaking love what he gave me, which consisted of lovely pictures framed of us along with Stay Vocal awesomeness. :D I think his gift was better than mine, even though I got him something I knew he wanted. I had tried to personalize his, but I still think that the gift he gave me was better. <3 Whatever, it doesn't matter right?!

So Chomp was pretty awesome... I was skeptical at first because the prices were ridiculous for sushi ($5 2p Nigiri, $12-15 rolls), but I have to say this was hands down the BEST quality sushi I have ever ever eaten in my life. And I have eaten a lot of sushi in my life. It was so worth the price (so long as we weren't going crazy with ordering). Oh man. I have to go back there. The fish just completely melted in my mouth, like butter. Ugghhhh so delicious. It was basically hot sex, in food version. I'll stop talking about that now, although I've already revealed the fact that I do still, on occasion, eat fish (in sushi form). I'm bad, I know. Shut up.

After Chomp we headed to The Olde Ship! Which is a lovely and pretty authentic (I hear) English pub on Harbor Blvd. Matt's never been there before and I wanted to show it to him... plus we kind of wanted a drink without the typical downtown Fullerton scenesters about. I like The Olde Ship... the clientele is a bit older, but there were some people our age, and the decorations for Christmas were great. I love the atmosphere in that place, I just wish I could get a big group of pub-loving friends to go there once. It'd be so much fun.

Oh, I forgot to mention that in this whole outing, Matthew and I were dressed to the nines. Which was really fun and awesome, because we both looked great (Matthew especially :)... but this meant we got a lot of looks wherever we went. Hee. :D I didn't mind. Anyway, we each had a pint at The Olde Ship and some chips, and tried to arrange for Nicole and her guy to meet us at a bar later, along with other friends. We left The Olde Ship for Slidebar, but then thought of catching a movie instead of drinking some more because we weren't in the mood anymore, so the hanging out with friends thing fell through. Then we decided not to catch a movie, and opted instead for a night at one of Fullerton's many downtown hotels, so I didn't get home until this afternoon! La. My recap of the night ends here. I shall only say that all in all, yesterday was a very good early Christmas indeed! ;)

So yeah.. it was a lovely lovely night. I had a great time with Matthew~ I'm still head over heels for him, so everything is great with us, going along just fine. I don't see that stopping. We get along great and always have a blast no matter what we do together, and I can honestly be myself around him like I've never been able to with anyone else before. Sigh~ I'd go on, but I don't want to bore you all with the mushy stuff. Haha. :D

I think that's all I shall write tonight. I'd like to start posting more again (I'll definitely have the time!), but less with the mundane and more with the inner thoughts. We'll see. <3

finances, adventures, fun, relationships

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