Chief Inspector Finch: The question that's kept me up for the last 24 hours.. the question I have to ask is: what if the worst, the most horrifying violent attack in this country's history was not the work of religious extremists...
Dominic: But I don't understand... we know it was. They were caught; they confessed--!
Chief Inspector Finch: ...And they were executed, I know. And maybe that's really what happened. But I see this chain of events...these 'coincidences'...And I have to ask, what if that isn't what happened? What if someone else unleashed that virus? What if someone else killed all those people? Would you really want to know who it was?
Dominic: Sure.
Chief Inspector Finch: Even if it was someone working for this government? That's my question. If our own government was responsible for what happened at St. Mary's, and Three Waters... if our own government was responsible for the deaths of almost 100,000 people---would you really want to know?
V for Vendetta excerpt right there for a frighteningly similar comparison in example.
I highly recommend watching this video on google before it's taken down. It's an hour-long movie, but worth it.
Loose Change II: The conspiracy is nothing new. I'm not usually one for conspiracy theories either, but the mountains of evidence remain, and through my recent contacts with Claire and her connections and knowledge to other important details, I'm thoroughly convinced. I've been researching this for awhile now myself, reading documents, following leads, etc. It was just luck that I came across this video that shows the evidence and issue in question.
The video isn't conclusive; Claire actually knows the guys that made it, (nice guys, she says) but they're young and they don't know the whole story; in fact, I'm not sure about all the stuff they mention in it, but pay attention to the beginning 10 minutes or so. Anyway, they do a good job of scraping at the surface of what really happened on the day that's changed all our lives. We at least need more dialogue on this case.
In essence, our government was responsbile for the terror attacks on September 11, 2001. Our government was responsible for the deaths of nearly 3,000 people, only in an effort to rally the country into support for a global interventionist and pre-emptive military campaign--an expanding empire. I'm not saying Bush and Co. flew the planes themselves or that 'terrorists' weren't hijacking planes, but I am saying that our government plays accomplice and knew exactly what was happening and what they were doing, or not doing, on September 11th.