As much as I will miss summer, I really love that fall is here and the wonderful weather that we've been having. Sunday I spent my day alternating between puttering around my house and yard. I re-potted all of my geraniums and moved them in doors for the winter. We'll see how long that lasts, plants seem to hate this house. I used to have a huge assortment of plants, but one by one they have died since moving to this house and I only have a handful of plants left.
I took the AC out of the living room window and for the first time since I bought the house, I can see completely out of this window. And it has a gorgeous view! I know next summer, I'm going to put off putting it back in the window for as long as I can so I don't have to give up how lovely the room looks with this window. Now I have to figure out how I'm going to drag this heavy AC out to the garage for the winter. It's currently sitting on a chair in the middle of the room and annoying me.
I took my roommate and my parents out to eat tonight at the Outback. I got a big gift certificate there from work as part of my five year service award. We ate way too much food and had a really good time. I'm in love with their
Chopped Blue Cheese salad. It is the yummiest thing ever and I want to eat it every day now.
This last month, I've started reading almost every day again. My cat now is thrown if I don't head off to my bedroom around 7 or 8 PM and every time I get up, runs over to the doorway to my bedroom and looks at me expectantly. He has always loved reading time, nothing better than knowing that your human is going to lay on their bed not moving for several hours at a time. He's been taking full advantage of it. I started re-reading the
Sonja Blue series by Nancy A. Collins. I forgot how much that series rocks. The first time I read them, a previous roommate/friend lent them to me. So this time, I'm ordering them off ebay or as I read them, so I have a few days waiting in between books. I should be getting the next one,
A Dozen Black Roses, any day now!
Tomorrow I have a day off and I'm not working at the coffee house! I'm planning on sleeping until I wake up with out my alarm, doing more house/yard puttering/cleaning/organizing and possibly visiting a friend. You'd think that having a day off would be such a novelty, but it still is to me and I love each and every one of them!