Jul 25, 2005 18:16
So, guess what! Today over IM Travis just told me that I was on TV for the Harry Potter thing at B&N. I didn't deserve it. I didn't dress up or even buy the book; I just read my sister's copy (I'm cheap... sorry Elizabeth). But, hey, that's pretty cool.
I got my 12th grade schedule already... I'm not really excited about it either and am seriously thinking of changing it.
1st- Nothing. Yeeessss.
2nd- BASIC Computer Programming
3rd- AP Calc.
4th- AP Gov.
5th- AP Physics
6th- Concert Band
7th- AP Lit
I don't want to be in Concert band and I'm worried that I'll have some weird lunch with nobody I know. So I was thinking of switching from BASIC and Concert to AP Latin V and Symphonic. The only thing with that is... 5 AP classes, wtf? That's at least $400. And probably loads of work. Bleh. But Latin would be studying Vergil, so I think I'd like that. School, feh. Chimneysweeps don't need school.
Today was a good day. Much better than the weekend: I had three "doubles" in a row at work, meaning I was at work 10 hours a day. They were pretty eventful; I got my first ever "write-up" for having $17 missing from my drawer (no big deal, since it's my first one and I've been there 1yr+), I got an Unleashed poster, we're getting a new Gen. Manager, and some customers are awesome, while most of them are still... morons, to put it nicely. I look forward to Teresa's partay and the "little" volunteer-a-thon on Thurs. w/ Kevin and Cheryn. It will bring me up to about 40 NHS hours. Nice.
I write too much.