Mar 28, 2012 01:15
Here I kept calling The Gift one of your "lesser novels" to people who asked me about it, and then you knock me off my feet with the most beautiful encapsulation of the mystery of existence I have ever, ever read:
"The following day he died, but before that he had a moment of lucidity, complaining of pains and then saying (it was darkish in the room because of the lowered blinds): "What nonsense. Of course there is nothing afterwards." He sighed, and listened to the trickling and drumming outside the window and repeated with extreme distinctness: "There is nothing. It is as clear as the fact that it is raining."
And meanwhile outside the spring sun was playing on the roof tiles, the sky was dreamy and cloudless, the tenant upstairs was watering the flowers on the edge of her balcony, and the water trickled down with a drumming sound."
You tricky bastard.