Oct 19, 2001 14:48
Yep, we are not that melancholy today. Yay! I'm here at Onyx's work, waiting for him to be done. the_surfacer is beside me, but she is refusing to talk because she weighs about five times what I do, but I'm the one trying for the Calista Flockhart look. GAH GAH GAH! (last part courtesy of the_surfacer.) Anyway, I found out last night that it takes a lot longer to do a watercolor painting than I thought. And it wasn't even a large/complex one! Art takes forever. Art is good.
The old issue of "am I denying my intellectual side?" has come up again. My answer for that is well, I'm doing better. I at least know a problem is there.
Let's see...Returning to Oryne is a good title for a book of short stories but not a novel, Manual is Oryne, etc. No, really. Manual is the suck. I'm glad I'm at UofL where everything's EASY. (last 2 sentences from the_surfacer. By the way, I LOVE English majors and keyboard thieves.) Another random musician in the courtyard, this time Darren playing a Tool song on guitar. The last one was Mr. Fredricksen, he who could not organize a meeting if it killed him, playing bagpipes in the sculpture garden. The pied piper reborn...