Jul 28, 2005 05:44
Yay for surviving Audio Production. Not that it was hard or anything, but most people don't make it through to the end. I think I got atleast a B on the final...if I'm lucky, cause I had to bs at least two questions completley.
So as of last week I'm the last remaining member of the zoo crew that can't drive. It's cool though, I'll get it...eventually. I'd rather practice and be a good driver and wait to get it then get it and be a sucky driver like some people on the road.
Hmmm, tomorrow I start back up regular hours at Andres *sigh*. August 12th can't come soon enough...15 days!!! Vacation here I come, haha!!! Then it's a week of total freedom of anything, no Andres or class, just fun in the sun...the sun in my backyard, but sun none the less. :) I can't wait to go back to school, I just hope I get this loan stuff straightened out.
Ok, time to go spend some quality time with Mr. Potter and his many adventures.