Holidays in Retail suck

Dec 13, 2009 17:53

So the title has nothing to do with this rant. I am sick and tired of hypocrites and why the hell don't I ever feel like I belong anywhere?

I suppose I can make the post reflect the title some what. Why do people feel they are so entitled all the time? Come on people, I know Christmas is next week but you've had all year to prepare for it. It's not my fault if we don't have something in stock at this point, I am also not ruining your child's Christmas because I don't have said item. You waited too long to do your shopping, not to mention if you can read, which you obviously can because you saw the ad in a flyer and know most of what the offer is, then read the freaking fine print! Every sale is dated, it has a start date and an end date, hence I can NOT give you the damn sale price a week after the sale has ended!


There is my little rant for this retail season so far. Only a week left, I can make it.

On to another topic, I find out Wednesday what we are going to do about my back surgery after the first of the year. I'm hoping it won't interfere too much with my job as I've been with the same company for over five years. I don't need them to replace me because I am having a surgery that was caused by working for them and that cause me immense pain.

I also celebrated my 28 birthday a few days ago. It went swimmingly, I had dinner with my sister, my boyfriend and one of our friends at Kobe Steakhouse. I love going there the food is always good. I was going to get a tattoo to continue my Paper Mario sleeve but it was late and the artist asked to reschedule so I should be getting it tomorrow. I'm very exicted about this.

Well, if you have any questions, comment and let me know. I shall post again soon hopefully.
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