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Jul 16, 2006 13:20


hey all you bloggers!
sooo yeep.i think i'm going to start just using this journal for when i see jaron! haha cus that's really all i use it for now.
okkkwell lastnight i got to go to baileytown.
well when we got there jaron's class was in there,but no jaron.
then i saw him working the gait so i was like well at least he's heree.
so yeahhh we just went and sat down for a few and watched some of it,then we walked over to his trailer a few classes after his class that he wasnt innn and talked to hugh,and he didnt see me at first..then when i walked over there he saw me and got out a tennis ball and started like bouncing it around me,and i saw him looking at me a few times,idk but he didn't say anything to me,he just kept bouncing that ball around me the whole time,im guessing to try to get me to play with him but i didnt say anything..and so that happened cus i just stood there and talked to people and he just hung out around me but never talked.. then we left there trailer and went back and my mom was like woo boy he was lookin at u and once he saw u out there he stayed out there around u..and i was like hahahah.. and then we sat down somemore and i was kinda sad cus he didnt talk to me.. and you know everything this week has been going good and then i get there and he wont talk! lol but yeah and then his dad was in a class and he was by the railin and i saw a few couple of free spots to stand and watch but he stood all the way on the far end near me..and i was watching the show and then i looked over and he was literally stairing at me like with his whole face towards me and then when i looked he moved his head really fast andn acted like he was looking behind him,and then i think he like swooshed his hair and looked at me and pointed his head down so like i cudnt see him but i did .. and then he left back to the trailer and i didnt seee him for a little whilee and then we went back to go get something to eatt and then a buncha other stuffblahblah skipp to the good parts..like 2 people fell off lastnighttttt.. but towards the end of the show we stood by nan and then like a few classes before it was over hugh walked over there by us with jaron right beside him and i was talkin to my mom n stuff and he was lookin at me a little bit and thennn i was just standin there and so was he and then he was like do u not have any belt loops on ur jeans [cus i wore this sparkly belt over my shirt instead of putting it in my belt loops] and i was like yyeahhhhhhh i just chose to wore it like this.. idk and i did the handshrugin the air thing. blahhh. i act so weird aorund him cus im so nervous....and then he started lifting up his shirt with me right there and he did it like 4 times and then he lifted it up again and like patted his stomache and i was like uhhhh and then idk if he really looked at me or not cus i wasnt really paying attention cus i was too scared to stair at him,but yeahhh i was just waiting for him to leave around me but he never did he just stood there by us and looked at me n stuff [im not totally positive though aboutt he looking like i said] and then we got ready to leave and he waved but idk if he was waving to me or my mom and then my mom hugged him and then we lefttt. soo yeahh. i think were going down there wednesday to check outt his horse but if not then sunday i get to see him *hopefully* if he goes to this meeeting thing for the horse people..so yeppppppppp.
idk what to do noww thoughh cus im just wonderingg if he really did like me and he found out i liked him in like febrauary if he would of already done something or not =[
well gotta goo.
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