Jul 25, 2008 23:01
People are silly.
Camp is frustrating me, but today was quite good. It didn't rain!
My former campers and I had an in depth discussion today about unicorn poop. Anna asked me if it was sparkly.
Day off tomorrow with the grandparents. I love being the favorite grandchild. Though i don't expect grandpa to understand my camp difficulties. He's in his own little world about camp. Plus he takes a lot of morphine for his back.
My bed this half is super comfy.
Drank too much water at dinner (we had a water drinking contest) and then I peed six times within the two hours following. There are too many stairs on the way to the bathroom for me to have to pee that many times.
I am feeling more healthy, though I still have a nasty cough.
Pringles are awesome. Oh and I need gummi bears.
Randomness is awesome.