So, y'all ever wondered why when I draw the ladies they tend to be hulking meatmonsters like Helen, tiny silk-scrap creatures like Letitia, big ol' chumbathunders like Daria, or fresh-scrubbed Plain-Janes like Naris? Or why nobody seems to wear makeup? Or why everyone tends to dress in nine potato bags and a flak jacket? Or why with very few exceptions you can't throw a rock without beaning a female character who's grumpily refusing to look all sexy-like?
It's mostly because of crap like this. Let's not even go into the Liefeld. (Google him for extra credit if you don't understand this immediately)
The womens is presented kind of skewed-like in the media I enjoy. It bugs me, I'd like it to change, and therefore it's my duty as a hopeful genre illustrator/comic booker/concept artist to provide superior examples. Simple as that.
If you'll excuse me, I've got some full plate to design.