Nov 14, 2004 15:35
so I'm watchin this documentary about koko (that signing gorilla, ya know?) and they're showing this other sign language enabled gorrilla named michael.
and they proceed to show michael describing how he was taken captive. He begins describing
how his mother was shot - murdered for meat how and they cut her throat
and how much it hurt him to see it as a young gorilla.
and it was touching, to me, not only to see another animal articulating it's feelings in a way we can understand, but to see a full grown 450 pound silverback alpha male pained, and recounting a traumatic childhood experience and mourning from it.
maybe it will be a new branch of study, animal empathy or whatnot.
I *heart* empathy (still hoping for a shirt someday lindsey, miss you and good luck @ UofM auditions)