Feb 08, 2010 15:10
I finally got my layout finished, and changed my userinfo. Only took me like three months.
So I say this every entry but I'm sorry I'm such a horrible lj friend :( I'm trying so hard to not be, but it's been difficult getting back into lj. I wish it was 2006 again, those were good times.
nevar 4get rite?
whatever. life is boring. I started writing again, thanks to a prompt table. I'm thinking about using one of my extra usernames as a fic journal. or make a community, idk. I feel like people would judge me though because seriously I come up with the weirdest pairings idek. idk dik I hate putting myself out there and being vulnerable. and i'd need a beta so idk. it would all be slash though, because I think I'm incapable of writing het, it's weird.
WHATEVER. I'm trying to order my camera but amazon keeps telling me it can't take my card. soy i called the bank and they raised my limit so it would go though, but i can't remember if she said it was raised for a day or until the transaction went through. but it wouldn't have gone through when i called because it was a friday going in to the weekend. i think i'll have to call them again today because i want this damn camera.
i feel like i'm so boring.
oh p.s. apparently i'm friendless and incapable of being a good friend.