Oct 06, 2007 19:24
Oh my GAWD! Okay, okay, as you guys may or may not know, Legend of Mana is my all time favourite game EVER IN THE HISTORY OF MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE GAMES. And, well, I've been looking for a copy that I could buy for years, but I've never been able to find one because they don't sell it ANYWHERE anymore. But recently my mum got a e-bay account and I thought, "Oh, what the hell, maybe I can find it here." So I searched it, and LO AND BE-FREAKING-HOLD, someone is selling a MINT CONDITION, NEVER YET OPENED COPY OF THE GAME.
dskhbfhdsgbdsblKLJGSLKIFGDF;KBKFB *foams*
. . . but unfortunetly someone has already bid seventy bucks on it. CRAP.
But I have not lost hope!!!!! There's only like, a day and eighteen hours of bid time left, so I'm talking with my parents about to see if they'd be willing to buy it plus shipping and stuff. Frankly, it's VERY expensive, BUT IT WOULD BE SO WORTH IF I COULD GET IT, EVEN IF I HAVE TO WORK OFF THE MONEY TO PAY MY PARENTS BACK!!!
Wish me luck!!! >.< ♥
Crap. Not getting it. Damnit! >.<
Oh well, I'm happy to whoever it is that's bidding on it now. Sort of. Okay, not really, I'm pretty bummed about it, but might as will wish them the best since I'm not getting it. >.>;
holy crapness