Jan 21, 2010 23:03
I dreamt Alan Rickman was a professor at an academy and they called him Mr Wizard. He had a butler who was Jon Hamm. Alan was supposed to be exceptionally smart and he took me back to his house where I found out that Jon Hamm was the actual Mr Wizard and Alan was a robot who appeared as Mr Wizard to keep people from knowing the real Mr Wizard. I let Nikita out the front door to go to the bathroom and she ran down the hill behind the house where I found a fat woman in a light blue jogging suit walking up the hill mumbling to herself. She took my arm and told me to go get my father, she apparently thought I was Mr Wizard's Daughter so I told her I would and she said she could hear everything I said so if I said anything about her being there she'd kill everyone. I got to where Jon was sleeping and judged him but the fat woman ran upstairs and made some weird holographic octopus arms appear adn she was destroying the house. Jon killed her but shooting lightening from his fingers.
He said we had to leave and he put me on a single car train to go far away. Jim Carey got on the train and was some evil mind reader and he kept trying to sit next to me.