Betcha didn't even know you were waiting for them! But you were. Believe me you were.
Two excellent gen fics and beautiful little PWP
War Stories by
july_july_july (gen, PG-13, Kirk, Dean). Author's summary: Two men walk into a bar and tell war stories. The circumstances are a little mysterious, but the dovetailing of the stories and characters is startling and perfect.
A fucking space opera (or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise) by
oxoniensis (gen, PG-13, a whole lot of people). Crack for five fandoms including SPN. You'll laugh even if you (like me) have no idea who Rodney McKay is, if only at the harried, but still cocky, Kirk POV.
untitled Dean/Kirk ficlet and
part 2 by
suaine A hot little PWP with a dusting of good old-fashioned Winchester angst.
Enjoy (and let me know if you see any other good ones!).