This week's TV, in which I am easy like Sunday morning, have all my buttons pushed, and have nothing particularly analytical to say. I mean, swords? babies? sharks? How am I supposed to be coherent about that?
Merlin 3.04
In which there was much brawling and slashing (of the swordly kind and otherwise) and a veritable epidemic of shirtlessness.
These are things that the show does very well, and the boys and I were well pleased.
Though I admit melted a little bit when Arthur acknowledged Gwaine (rhymes with Dwayne? guess the 'a' was stolen along with his shirt) the winner of the melee, despite Uther's pretty explicit direction that Arthur had to win at all costs. I tried to explain to the boys how noble this was, but they were all like 'how come the fighting is over already?'
SPN 6.02
I would say more about this episode, except that my brain got stuck in a kind of loop of: Dean. Baby. DEAN. BABY. DEAN. BABY. Until late in the episode when it move on to: Dean. Impala. DEAN. IMPALA. and so on.
So, you know, my brain was pretty happy.
In other news, the only thing creepier than the creepy cousins is their creepy compound.
And more importantly, Lisa is awesome. I continued to love her and Dean together, and I really appreciated that not only is the show thematizing Dean's struggle not to be John, but that it's made his relationship with her so different than his relationship with Sam. I love how soft-spoken he is with her, and I loved that little moment when he admitted he had no idea what to do--and then listened and took her advice.
Hawaii Five-0
Okay, I have nothing much to say except that the show continues to be AWESOME.
I guess they were trying to flesh out the supporting characters' back stories this week, with Danny's custody issues, and Chin-ho's (Chin Ho's?) family and past, and I wonder whether the real reason Chin Ho lost his badge would end up being connected to the reveal of his connection to Steve's father and whether it would all add up too some kind of story arc this season, but mostly I was in it for the shallow, slashy, violent goodness of it all.
I know it dates me, but the show reminds me a little of Miami Vice--minus the wacky 80s clothes and the lugubrious car rides to thankfully-forgotten 80s music. But it has the same zeitgeist-y feel, the same fab chemistry between a savvy guy from the Northeast and a highly strung guy from warmer (more exotic) climes, and the same high-production-value slashy-ness. Oh, and maximum violence.
I just can't quite believe I've now written porn about a show that is so heavily advertised during Sunday afternoon football.
Also, my admiration for Alex O'Loughlin has increased enormously since I realized (long after everyone else on the planet) that those tats are his, not the characters O_O
I gather Fringe 3.02 was good, but it is languishing in my iTunes folder. And I did finally watch House 7.01, and, well, let's just say I haven't felt inspired to get a hold of the next few episodes....