Summergen amnesty

Jul 24, 2010 13:33

I've been thinking of making a post like this for a while, and harrigan's post on the topic inspired me to do it now!

If you have my prompts, and they are giving you trouble (or my list of "do not wants" is giving you trouble), feel free to jettison it all, and write whatever you want about whoever you want (I'd say, don't worry about it being gen, either, but I guess that's against the rules of the challenge).

I've been thinking about it all morning, and I really believe everyone writes better if they are writing about something that interests them, rather than trying to squeeze their ideas into someone else's specifications. So, even though there are plenty of things that I think I don't read, for almost all of them I could give you a story I loved even so. So, if you enjoy writing about it, I will certainly enjoy reading about it!

Except maybe for MPreg--but, hey, I'm willing to be convinced!

So, consider this permission to follow your muse!
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