Track Record (H50 gen fic)

Jun 13, 2013 18:02

You'd think I wouldn't have another sick!Steve fic left in me (I can't even bear to count up how many I've written). But apparently you'd be wrong.

In any case, though, I've finally written something for Running Hot III. The funny thing is, I signed up for the hawaii_50_hc "alphabet challenge" and I got "R" for "relax." I couldn't for the life of me think of something to go with that prompt. But this fic would fit it perfectly #toolittletoolate

Title: Track Record
Fandom: H50
Rating: G, gen
Warnings/Spoilers: n/a. Only really canon compliant for S1, though--I haven't even watched most of S3 (though I plan to).
Word count: 2,226
Disclaimer: not mine, no profit
a/n: for this prompt

Summary: "You," said Danny, "are the most uptight sick person I've ever met."

In other news, RUNNING HOT III is still very much open, with all kinds of fabulous prompts in many, many fandoms. Please come check them out!

runninghot, gen, fic, h50, h/c, runnghot3, fanfic

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