I should probably introduce myself.

Jul 24, 2008 21:58

Okay, a slightly disorganised and random description of myself.

- My name's Anna. I'm female, obviously. I'm 14 at the time of writing (please don't make my mind filthier than it already is) and I'm Scottish.

- No, I don't play the bagpipes.

- The name "ariadneryx" doesn't mean anything in particular, it's just one of the many random words I come up with.

- Many people know me as Batgirl. Yes, from NR. You know who you are.

- My favourite colour is chocolate brown. With turquoise. That's two favourite colours, isn't it?

- My favourite TV programme in the whole wide world is Doctor Who. Torchwood is good too, and I'm not so keen on The Sarah Jane Adventures but I'll try and keep up with the second series on iPlayer. Moving out of the Whoniverse, I loved Life On Mars (Ashes To Ashes not so much), and I generally like crime dramas. CSI Miami is my favourite CSI (go Horatio! woooooo). I like Top Gear like most girls (no, really, it's true) and I also like geeky things like Brainiac: Science Abuse and Mythbusters.

- I'm obsessive compulsive. I have the random urge to touch things, if I hit myself on side I'll need to hit the other side, I take forever washing my hands (though it's more a thing about getting both hands equally wet than getting them stupidly clean), I massively enjoy putting things in order and I'm dangerously perfectionist.

- I'm a big geek in general. I have the glasses and I adore Chemistry.

- I actually liked the ending of Deathly Hallows. That whole book was amazing and I will fight to the death in its defence.

- Eoin Colfer is a genius, and Artemis so needs to meet Ten.

- Agatha Christie is also a genius, and y'all need to read And Then There Were None RIGHT NOW.

- David Tennant is the hottest man alive. John Barrowman, John Simm and Gareth David-Lloyd are all rather lovely too.

- Yes, I'm a slash fangirl.

- Yes, I ship Doctor/Master.

- I ship everyone else for that matter. No, really. Hopefully I'll manage to list them all in my interests some day.


- I love fan fiction. I haven't written it in a long, long time (perfectionism...), but I love reading it.

- FANMIXES. GIVE THEM TO ME. om nom nom nom. >devours<

- I'm not a complete LJ newbie as I've been browsing it for absolutely ages, but I only just got an account, so posting and actually contributing and stuff is new to me. AND I LOVE TAGS. This thing will be tagged to death.

- Photoshop. I used to have it and adore it, but then it went crazy and I am left with trying desperately to make nice icons and things with just the rather feeble ImageReady thing that came with it. **weep**
(you wouldn't happen to know how to fix it, would ya? It starts loading up, then says "Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable." :( help plz? I really miss Selective Colour.)

- I'm not sure what my views on religion are. I've been christened, but I kind of feel that it's pretty arrogant to believe that we humans know exactly what is gonna happen to us when we die and how the universe was created and everything. I just live my life as best I can and know that I'll find out what happens afterwards eventually.

- Titanic used to be my favourite film and I once knew every word of My Heart Will Go On. Also, I know more about the actual Titanic than is healthy.

- I have 3 cats, and love bats. OOOOOH RHYMING.

- I'm kinda arty. Not so much any more though - perfectionism spoiling everything again.

- I love languages, and I'm fascinated by the Japanese in particular. It just clicks in my mind, it's so logical. I love Japan in general too.

I'm stopping this now, as there are way, way too many tags.

agatha christie, movies, ocd, torchwood, livejournal, the sarah jane adventures, me, bats, languages, japan, religion, science, books, pets, non-dw tv shows, woe, muse, harry potter, fangirling, john barrowman, doctor/master, japanese, david tennant, gareth david-lloyd, ten, titanic, doctor who, tags, animals, john simm, image-editing programs, music

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