It's been a while since I've posted, so...let the update begin.
I'm disappointed to say that I've been pretty lazy this month...I had intended on writing a book, but that doesn't seem to be happening. I've tried several times, but I really need to be in the right mindset, and unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to get there. Either that or my muses have gone on vacation. Either way, although I'm not technically getting anything done, I still think about the book often and have been inspired with new ideas/characters on several occasions. It's my hope that eventually, when everything is just right, it will happen. Honestly, there's no use forcing it - I can't write that way. So until then, I'll make notes of my ideas so I don't forget them.
Other than that, I've played some video games, watched some TV, but nothing big. I read "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and plan on also checking out "Through the Looking Glass" before summer comes to a close. I just finished Our Little Secret, a true crime novel about a teenager who kills an alleged child molester and almost gets away with it. I'm currently reading Dracula, which is either terribly cliche or completely apropos, depending on how you look at it. But I'm a vampire girl through and though, and I thought it was about time that I read it. I've only just skimmed the surface (I'll probably read chapter 3 as soon as I finish writing this), but I'm enjoying it immensely already. I'm pleasantly surprised by its format, which is refreshingly different - journal entries and letters and such. I feel like the "Twilight Saga" and "The Vampire Diaries" and "True Blood" all the other teen-angst-occasionally-bordering-on-soft-porn-obsessive-abusive-or-otherwise-unhealthy-relationship vampire stories suck some of the fun out of vampires (yes, that pun was intended). This is classic, creepy, Gothic horror in all it wondrous, beautiful darkness. Thank you, Bram Stoker.
On the boy front...not much to tell, other than a few typical "boys never want to date me" experiences. The guy I admitted my crush to has not made a move. I didn't actually expect him to...but this way I know for sure he's not interested. Anyway, since the big revelation he's been really cool, and hasn't treated me any differently.
Meanwhile, another member of Billy's (aka "my Jacob") crew DID show some interest...and I mean legit interest. As in, he put his arm around me (although it pretty much took him all was pretty cute) and gave me a big hug, lifting me off the ground (and probably making me flash all the people behind me since I *gasp* wore a skirt out that night). Then, upon arriving home and liking each other's statuses on Facebook, he messaged me to see if I wanted to hang out sometime...of course I said yes and we exchanged phone numbers and...nothing. A week later he asked if I wanted to go out for food/drinks, but ended up canceling (he said we'd "reschedule") because he had to work late. And I never heard from him again. Aside from mild Facebook flirting.
Honestly...if I was potentially interested, I never would have let him put his arm around I honestly don't understand why he'd put his arm around me (or ask me to hang out) if HE wasn't interested. I. Just. Don't. Get. It.
Boys are such assholes sometimes. And he's a nice guy too...I don't mind just being friends. I wouldn't have thought of being anything else if he hadn't kinda sorta almost made a move. WHY DO BOYS LIKE TO FUCK WITH MY HEAD?
I'm not really angry or upset or anything. Just frustrated. I may be a dark, crazy, emotional girl, but I'm also honest and kind. There is no reason to treat me like this. Sadly, I'm used to it.
Anyway...I've been out to karaoke every Tuesday since I've been out of school, and I've kinda become friends with one of Billy's friends (another single girl that all the girlfriends hate...because God knows that if I'm single I must be out to seduce ALL their boyfriends). She invited me to come to their annual Poconos trip next week. I've been hearing about these things for years, and despite the fact that most of the girls aren't too fond of me, I'm really excited. I'll be staying in her villa, sharing a loft with her younger brother - a sweet, though VERY young, 21 year old who I get along with very well. Apparently it will be a week chock full of fun activities and adventures (and probably some boy drama thrown in there for good measure). An added bonus is the theme - every year they have a theme...last year it was the Kentucky Derby. This year? Murder mystery dinner. Could I have picked a better year to join them? Between my love of true crime books and my passion for horror movies, I can barely contain my fangirl *squees*. The scene will be a Hollywood producer's party, so I'm supposed to be "glamorous." And, believe it or not, I can do glamorous to a tee. I'm going to wear the black Marilyn Monroe-esque dress I wore to chaperone prom a couple years ago, plus lost of fake sparkly jewelry and a wig. Should I go with blonde or black? Opinions welcome!
I will look fabulous...and I'm sure I'll surprise everyone. Because I'm normally a t-shirt and jeans, no makeup kinda girl. And most people tend to have a very definite idea of the type of person I am. When I'm able to slide into a different look effortlessly, they're shocked. Because I'm just as comfortable in a formal dress and makeup as I am in a t-shirt and jeans. And so, the girls will end up hating me even more when the week is done. Story of my life. LOL
I'll end on a positive note -
look at the awesome Converse I just bought! Love them!