A little TV talk...

Apr 11, 2010 14:25

Anyone out there watching "Justified" on FX?  Admittedly, I initially had very little interest it.  I only started watching it because (a) FX consistently surprises me with their quality,  high-caliber shows, (b) Timothy Olyphant is a Hottie McHotpants, (c) I really enjoyed his work in season two of  "Damages," and (d) he's absolutely gorgeous.  Did I mention what a stone cold fox he is?  Fangirl *squees* aside, the show itself is actually quite good.  I wasn't sure going in...but honestly, it's pretty interesting.  Much better than I thought it would be.  An added bonus - Timothy Olyphant is always deliciously scruffy in it...

How about "Damages"...anyone into that?  Another AMAZING FX venture that keeps me on my toes.  Brilliant.  Utterly brilliant.

My brother took me to see "Avenue Q" in NYC on Thursday (he takes me out for dinner and a show as my Christmas present)...I don't think I've ever seen a funnier play.  It's like...Sesame Street for adults.  And it contains the most convincing puppet sex I've ever been privy to.  I highly recommend it...unless you get offended easily, in which case, don't even think about it.

Still tired ALL THE TIME.  Starting to seriously consider going to the doctor...with  a minimum of 8 hours of sleep a night, I should not be feeling like this...

plays, fangirling, tv, real life, tv boyfriends

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