
Apr 14, 2009 15:11

I feel like I'm going to die.

I don't get sick very often...but when I do, watch out.

It's only a cold, and one could argue that I'm being a whiny little baby...but I assure you, it's one HELL of a cold.  This almost always happens when I have any significant time off from school - as soon as I get a break, it's literally like my immune system is says, "Ok guys, take 5."  So now I have some kind of killer virus, thanks to one of my lovely students.


After attempting to ignore it for several days (including going to Easter dinner at the 'rents and taking my first trip to the mall since...God, I can't even remember the last time I went to the mall...), I've spent today camped out on the couch, drinking lots of fluids and drifting in and out of consciousness while L&O: CI repeats play in the background.

Here's hoping tomorrow is better...


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