Sep 29, 2020 07:01
I am in a high school gymnasium. Some teens are on the bleachers, talking and laughing. One beautiful boy in a green t-shirt leaps like a ballet dancer from the bleachers onto the gym floor. He is a ballet dancer. I am an observer, watching but not interacting, so it doesn't seem strange to me when the teens in the gym assemble into two groups to face off: basketball players on one side and assorted mostly Asian teens on the other. On the basketball players' side is Zac Efron, and they join the beautiful boy in dancing. I am about to tweet the joke, "Nobody told me this movie I'm watching was High School Musical 2," but then I think maybe it is High School Musical 2, as I have never seen a High School Musical, and it is certainly a musical in a high school. The opposing side all whip out trombones and unleash a devastating sonic attack.
Later, Zac or Troy or whoever he is will say, "I got my back blown out three times." In case there's any doubt about the innuendo, he adds, "It's okay to just enjoy it."
I am making a birthday present for Lily. It's an old school collage zine of hot people. Right now, it's mostly Flint from Black Sails, plus, for some reason, one page of MERRY. But there are several blank pages left to decorate.
It's nighttime, and I am driving a car with my sister in the backseat. I'm driving from the passenger seat, and when we nearly get into an accident because I didn't hit the brakes in time, I say, "I should probably scoot over." I feel tipsy, even though I haven't had a drink, but I'm not going to say that, so I scoot over. That's when I realize I'm not in the passenger seat at all; I'm in the middle row of a three row vehicle. Driving the car is the beautiful ballet dancer. He is obviously tired. I offer several times to drive, even though I feel tipsy. He declines.
Later, we are being pursued. I don't remember by whom. The boy has died, and my sister is an old man. I carry the boy's body in my arms, but he transforms into the old man and bursts into blue flames. In shock, I toss him into the nearby bushes, and I round on the old man, suspicious. He claims it is one of his powers. We get back into the car and flee.
My mother bought me a lot of groceries. They are strewn all over the floor of my new apartment. I get distracted and forget to put them away. When I realize, I gather them up in a haste, thinking about how difficult it will be to inventory them. I hope the two frozen burritos will still be good when I eat them.