Just so everyone knows....
I've had trouble with my tbsigma account and have since stopped using it and am in the midst of moving all my listservs to my google acount. Since I was moving that there, I figured I'd start using it for everything and have *gasp* ONE EMAIL account. I know, it's so crazy! lol
I will now only be using
megburke@gmail.com You can still reach me on my umass account but I'm forwarding the mail to my gmail so then maybe by the time i graduate, people will finally have noticed that I have a more permenant email account.
I feel the need to blame Ethan for this. lol. Over the summer he was so intent on proving to me that Gmail was better and even tho we haven't discussed it since august, I finally caved.
In other news, I don't think I've ever been so depressed that I didn't even have the heart to dig into a pint of ice cream. It's sitting in my fridge waiting for me. It's been there for 4 days now waiting. I bought it cause I knew I'd need it sometime in the near future and here it is. This is the time and I'm not eating it... *sigh*
I bought all my books today. Well, I ordered them on Amazon last night and then bought two others that weren't gonna come in the time I needed them today. So yah. I'm pumped about my Irish history class. It'll be great. It focuses on Northern Ireland primarily but that'll still be cool (my dad tells me our family is from southern..). I'm really excited about this class even tho there's tons of reading - crazy huh?
Stef's Birthday. Big 21. I haven't seen her all day. I wonder how she's feeling. lol :)